Kestrel Technology Group
Knowledge to Decide
Information to Act
We provide capabilities to organizations needing to create and distribute decision making knowledge for their enterprise, anywhere in the world, 24/7.

Our unique combination of technology and methods can make a way for knowledge-based operations with systems that are versatile, scalable, and readily-deployed on clouds, servers, and field mobile units.
Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief
Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief
Supporting humanitarian aid and disaster response needs through real-time coordination and logistics.
Kestrel’s flagship technology is the Field Information Support Tool (FIST). FIST leverages COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf) mobile devices and custom smartphone applications (Gather), in conjunction with a globally accessible web portal (FusionPortal) to perform real-time visualization and assessment, data collection, analysis, alarming, dissemination and system and sensor interoperability.
- Global accessibility in extreme environments and low connectivity.
- Highly-secure and customizable data collection tools.
- Sophisticated multi-function platforms for data gathering, analysis, and decision-making.