Scenario Development

Exercise scenarios allow teams to prepare and practice responses to emerging situations, while staying within the parameters of available resources.
A scenario does not just provide a forecast of what may occur in the future, but presents storylines aimed at evaluating responders and providing a plausible, contextual backdrop to frame and drive discussions, ultimately resulting in procedural policies for the most effective results.
We recognize the importance of scenario-driven exercises and has created comprehensive, all-inclusive scenario development plans. Our fully-customized scenarios provide for all stages of scenario execution, including but not limited to: planning conferences, capabilities/tasks/objectives outlining, exercise documentation, multimedia and social media integration, logistics planning, personnel management, intelligence injects, training, and full-scale exercise execution.
The scenario-based exercise approach used by our analysis team creates complete situational awareness for participants. The method allows for full integration and simulation of real-world situations in varying degrees of complexity.
We have lead and supported a wide variety of large-scale field and table-top exercises, with multi-nation and multi-organization participants. These exercises have included the following mission sets:
- Prevention / Deterrence / Protection
- Emergency Assessment
- Emergency Response
- Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief (Incident / Hazard Mitigation)
- Counter-Networking Operations (Investigation / Apprehension)
- Recovery / Remediation
Our scenarios support the development of effective response strategies for unpredictable and disconnected environments, while maintaining essential operations and protecting crucial assets. We also provides expert guidance on optimizing mobile technology and automating analytical processes. By applying concepts from our scenarios, your organization will be better prepared for any emergency situation.